Benchmarking Reports — Technology Alliance

The Technology Alliance is not a policy or advocacy organization. Our strength lies in the objective research we conduct, the bright lights we shine on creative solutions to some of the biggest constraints on the state's innovation economy, and the far-reach of our communications. Our reports, events, and programs are designed to illuminate paths forward for this region. We help frame the issues undergirding the economy - from education and talent, to entrepreneurism and research; and we showcase creative solutions that make a difference. 


Benchmarking Report (2021)

The 2021 Benchmarking Report shows that Washington has made improvements in what the Technology Alliance considers the three pillars of the innovation economy: an educated workforce, research capacity, and an entrepreneurial climate. However, in areas like education and research capacity, there have been surprising results.

Benchmarking 2021 Highlights Video


Benchmarking Report (2018)

This report continues a Technology Alliance tradition of benchmarking the state's progress on key metrics indicative of a robust tech economy, and notes how and where the Tech Alliance is working to have an impact on these metrics.


Benchmarking Washington's Innovation Economy (2015)

How competitive are we in building and sustaining a vibrant, technology-based innovation economy that benefits all of Washington State’s citizens?


The Economic Impact of Technology-Based Industries in Washington (2014)

Technology-based industries generate new knowledge, products, and services based on innovation. With a few exceptions, this report covers industries having a minimum of 16.6% of their workforce engaged in occupations classified as research and development by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, a threshold that is twice the state average for all industries. Examples include aerospace, chemicals, and computer and electronics manufacturing; software publishing; architecture and engineering; scientific research and development; and telecommunications.


Drivers for a Successful Innovation Economy (2013)

Benchmarking Washington's Performance contains highlights of the Technology Alliance's latest study measuring Washington's competitiveness in education, research, and entrepreneurial climate.


The Economic Impact of Technology-Based Industries in Washington State (2012)

Research and development expenditures in Washington State, an important indicator of technology-based activity, are more important than in the United States as a whole.


The Economic Impact of Technology-Based Industries in Washington State (2010)

Research and development expenditures in Washington State, an important indicator of technology-based activity, are more important than in the United States as a whole.


The Economic Impact of Technology-Based Industries in Washington State (2008)

Research and development expenditures in Washington State, an important indicator of technology-based activity, are more important than in the United States as a whole.


Benchmarking Washington's Performance Report (2006)

This report measures Washington's progress on over 40 indicators of technology-based economic development since the initial report in 2003.


The Economic Impact of Technology-Based Industries in Washington State (2005)

Research and development expenditures in Washington State, an important indicator of technology-based activity, are more important than in the United States as a whole.