You’re invited!

The Technology Alliance’s Policy Matters conference - a unique opportunity to connect with cross-sector leaders across Washington state. This event is designed to foster collaboration, build bridges, and expand our collective knowledge, all with a focus on strengthening our state’s innovation economy.

With this year's theme, we're breaking down the day into 3 core sessions:

People: The day kicks off with a deep dive into the workforce demands of the latest industrial revolution. We’ll explore both the technical skills and the new competencies needed across virtually every sector, from seasoned professionals to the next generation of workers.

Power: Next, we’ll focus on the critical energy needs driving AI. This session will demystify why AI requires substantial power, how utilities are gearing up to meet these demands, and the innovative approaches AI researchers are taking to reduce energy consumption.

Purpose: We’ll conclude by highlighting the remarkable scientific advancements, enhanced accessibility, and productivity gains that AI enables. At the same time, we’ll address the ethical considerations and safeguards that must accompany these innovations.

Stay tuned for more details and mark your calendars—this is your chance to be at the forefront of the conversation!

Registration will go live and tickets will go on sale Tuesday, September 17th.


  • 8-9 am | Continental Breakfast, registration and networking

  • 9-10:30 am | People Panel

  • 10:30-10:45am | Break

  • 10:45am-12:15pm | Power Panel

  • 12:15-1:15pm | Networking Lunch

  • 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm | Purpose Panel

Did we miss you in 2022?

Check out the recap of Policy Matters: Innovation Basics!