2009 Technology Institute Agenda

Washington 3.0: Our Innovation Economy in a National Context

Opening Address: Federal Priorities for Supporting Innovation and Education

Honorable Jay Inslee, U.S. House of Representatives

Keynote Presentation: Venture Capital & Public Policy

Mark Heesen, President, National Venture Capital Association
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Q&A facilitated by Roger Nyhus, President & CEO, Nyhus Communications

Technology Institute Objectives: Learning and Leadership in the New New Economy

Jeremy Jaech, CEO, Verdiem and Chair, Technology Alliance


K-12 and Higher Education

Framing the Discussion

Marty Smith, Director, MetaJure, Inc. and Chair Emeritus, Technology Alliance

Identifying and Rewarding Effective Teachers

Objective: Cut through the noise of competing, entrenched beliefs to focus on policies and practices that will improve teacher quality and student performance.

Thomas Kane, Deputy Director of Education-U.S. Program, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Panel: Rethinking Teaching and Learning to Elevate Student Achievement

Objective: Explore strategies that have been demonstrated to advance K-12 achievement; identify the policy changes and best practices that Washington should implement on a statewide basis to enable our students to thrive in higher education and high-impact careers.

  • Moderator: Cheryl Vedoe, CEO, Apex Learning
  • Jane Broom, Director, Puget Sound Community Affairs, Microsoft Corporation
  • Thomas Kane
  • Chris Korsmo, Executive Director, League of Education Voters
  • Trish Millines Dziko, Co-founder & Executive Director, Technology Access Foundation

Creating a Next-Gen Higher Education System for Washington

Objective: Use the findings of the Higher Education System Design Study Group as a framework for exploring current and projected needs of our state's higher education system and the role of baccalaureate and graduate education programs in advancing our economy.

John Gardner, Vice President, Economic Development & International Engagement, Washington State University

Leadership Roundtable: Recalibrating the Relationship with Washington Higher Education

Objective: Forge a commitment to transparency, accountability, and renewed partnership between the higher education community and policy leaders, and advance a bi-partisan coalition that supports policies and investments aimed at strengthening high-impact programs at our public universities.

  • Facilitator: Gerald (Jerry) Grinstein, Strategic Director, Madrona Venture Group
  • Honorable Deborah Eddy, Washington State House of Representatives
  • Mark Emmert, President, University of Washington
  • Elson S. Floyd, President, Washington State University
  • John Gardner
  • Honorable Derek Kilmer, Washington State Senate

Research Capacity and Entrepreneurial Climate

Framing the Discussion

Ed Lazowska, Bill & Melinda Gates Chair in Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington

Commercialization and Company Formation: the Accelerator Model

Objective: Explore a successful approach to incubating young companies built on new technologies and research discoveries in the life sciences, and identify the challenges and opportunites for applying this model to other innovative sectors in Washington.

Carl Weissman, Chairman & CEO, Accelerator Corporation and Managing Director, OVP Venture Partners

Panel: Technology Transfer and Commercialization as an Economic Driver

Objective: Understand how talent, ideas and discoveries cultivated at our public and private institutions contribute to entrepreneurial innovation and the Washington economy, and identify ways to incorporate these activities into a revitalized economic development strategy for our state.

  • Moderator: Ron Howell, CEO, Washington Research Foundation
  • Honorable Jim Kastama, Washington State Senate
  • Honorable Phyllis Gutierrez Kenney, Washington State House of Representatives
  • Ulrich Mueller, Vice President, Industry Relations & Technology Transfer, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
  • Linden Rhoads, Vice Provost, Technology Transfer, University of Washington
  • Mike Schwenk, Vice President & Director, Technology Deployment & Outreach, Battelle/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Carl Weissman

Washington's VC and Angel Communities: Early-Stage Investment, Long-Term Impact

Objective: Provide context on the current state of Washington's venture capital and angel investor communities and understand their contribution to the growth of our innovative industries.

Tom Alberg, Managing Director, Madrona Venture Group

Panel: The Role of Entrepreneurial Investment in Growing Our Innovation Economy

Objective: Articulate the impact of early stage investment in building companies that produce innovative products and services and create jobs in our state, and identify policies that will encourage continued private investment and cultivate a supportive environment for growing, young startups.

  • Moderator: Andy Dale, Managing General Partner, Buerk Dale Victor LLC and President, Evergreen Venture Capital Association
  • Tom Alberg
  • Geoff Entress, Venture Partner, Voyager Capital
  • Jeremy Jaech, CEO, Verdiem
  • Lucinda Stewart, Managing Director, OVP Venture Partners

Keynote Presentation: Kati Haycock, President, The Education Trust

Introduction by Michael Kluse, Senior Vice President, Battelle and Laboratory Director, Battelle/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Objective: Learn from The Education Trust's efforts around the nation to raise achievement among all students, and apply those lessons to Washington's own education system reform.
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Priorities for Washington in the New New Economy

Framing the Discussion: Observations on Lessons Learned

William H. Gates Sr., Co-chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Defining Commerce: Next Steps in Our Mission to Grow and Improve Jobs

Daniel Malarkey, Deputy Director, Washington State Department of Commerce

Washington 3.0: Leadership Roundtable

Objective: Identify the key actions Washington must take in the next one to three years in order to address current challenges, position our state for future opportunities, and excel in education, research and entrepreneurship in the new New Economy.

  • Facilitator: Steve Davis, Senior Advisor, McKinsey & Company
  • Honorable Jerome Delvin, Washington State Senate
  • Chris Endresen, State Director, Office of U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell
  • Honorable Fred Jarrett, Washington State Senate
  • Daniel Malarkey
  • Tim Martin, Director, Global Government Affairs, Amgen
  • Honorable Jeff Morris, Washington State House of Representatives
  • Matthew O'Donnell, Dean & Professor, College of Engineering, University of Washington
  • Vaho Rebassoo, CTO, Information Technology Services, The Boeing Company
  • DeLee Shoemaker, State Government Affairs Director, Microsoft Corporation

Reframing Our Agenda: Wrap-up and Next Steps

Jeremy Jaech, CEO, Verdiem and Chair, Technology Alliance